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A streaming show dedicated to the showcasing and promotion of new ideas that are being crowdfunded.


Are you crowdfunding the next great product or service? Let Crowdfund an Idea! extol your virtues to our exclusive television show.


Imagine a television show that showcases the best that crowdfunders have to offer. In a 4-10 minute segment, your business is featured the way you want, showcasing your benefits in the best light possible, Including a one on one interview with you: The Crowdfunder. 


The Crowdfund an Idea show is an online streamed television show that showcases crowdfunded ideas from around North America and the world. The main purpose of the show is to enlighten, inspire and educate the viewing audience that these crowdfunding ideas exist AND are how to get in on the ground level.


Can you name a better way to promote yourself to a wider audience so inexpensively? Are you are ready to take your idea to the next level? 


Give your idea a bump.


What's on the show?

A feature segment that anchors the television show. 5-10 minutes which includes an interview, testimonials, product usage, specialized graphics, industry trivia and quotes.


4-6 Interview Segments where entrepreneurs discuss their idea, what it is, the challenges, the successes and the rewards. Each segment is 5-7 minutes long.


Several 30 second to one-minute mini-segments. Like a commercial, but with extra information and care.

You can become involved on several different levels of engagement. From a simple 5 second commercial preroll, to a four to ten minute+ interview that is featured on the television show. 


How much you want to be involved is up to you. 


And of course, The Crowdfund and Idea Show is FREE to select Kickvid customers.


How do I become involved?

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