Showcase your Business on a National TV Show for Free!
Gain access to this exclusive opportunity. If you have a polished video of your business that you use for promotion*, you can place that on either WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS, a show that does exactly as the title suggests, features women entrepreneurs and their successes or the OPEN FOR BUSINESS television show, a show that showcases small business and their trials and tribulations. Choose one of these shows for FREE.
Further, if you have a pitch video and are trying to crowdfund, then you can feature your idea on CROWDFUND AN IDEA. It's Free, and gets your video out to millions of new eyes.
If you don't have a promotional video to add for free, don't fret, there are several low-cost solutions that will get you showcased on one or more of the business oriented shows. Check out our show qualifiers and contact us, and we can help you figure out the best solution for you.​​​
* Up to 5 Minutes.